Dec 5, 2023 | Featured Families, fertility rates, Headlines, Inequality, News & Updates, Taking Action
How do we ensure funding that ensures young women harmed by the climate crisis can have their children at a time, place and with resources the protect their and the child’s equity? Problem: Climate and other ecological crises are set to kill million of those...
Nov 18, 2023 | Featured Families, fertility rates, Headlines, Inequality, News & Updates, Taking Action
Below is a form letter that can be used to begin to empower a climate justice tribunal that would employ a system of just and effective human rights. Summary of the issue Reliance on any basic norm, political obligation, or fundamental baseline for cost/benefit...
Apr 30, 2021 | News & Updates
By Jennifer Dawson When it comes to the many choices parents must make when they decide to have a child, ‘parenting style’ is one of them. Because parents tend to adopt a blend of styles or strategies, it perhaps befits the topic to do as scientists at Kobe...
Feb 19, 2021 | News & Updates
When supporters of President Trump stormed the Capitol Building in January, business leaders, and prominent members of both political parties, condemned the act as a direct assault on democracy. The deadly attack was wrong for many reasons, but not because the Capitol...
Jan 21, 2021 | fertility rates, News & Updates
These are the facts, and they are not in dispute. 1) All reasonable people agree reforms are needed to respond to the climate crisis. 2) All reforms, with a few small exceptions – from the Paris Accords to more conservative carbon markets – assume an environmental...