Nov 1, 2023 | News & Updates
On August 24th, 1992, Hurricane Andrew slammed into Miami. They called it “the Big One” with winds recorded at 177mph. At the time it was only the third category 5 storm to hit the U.S. since 1935, making it a precursor to the category 4 and 5 storms that now make...
Mar 15, 2022 | News & Updates
Family planning is a driver behind many of the crises we read about in today’s news. But journalists rarely connect the dots. A federal judge begins to question the wisdom of parents having unlimited numbers of children they cannot care for, and who live awful lives,...
Mar 15, 2022 | News & Updates
* This is authored by a mother of one child. The author preferred to remain anonymous. Small families in America routinely pay insurance premiums, taxes, childcare fees, and other costs that incentivize large and unsustainable families. These costs often masquerade as...
Mar 15, 2022 | News & Updates
Could taking resources from the wealthy and using those resources to fund delayed parenthood, and a fair start in life for every child, solve many of our ecological and social crises? An article due to be published this winter in the Loyola Chicago Law Review argues...
Apr 13, 2021 | Inequality, Taking Action
Members of Congress are urging President Biden to declare a climate emergency and use his presidential powers to take immediate action to address the crisis, which is quickly accelerating. Having Kids is urging Biden to do the same. Here’s why: The climate...