Finding: The organization perpetuates inequities by failing to address the climate and social costs of inequitable births.
Their Claim:
“We Don’t Have Time is a movement and a tech startup that leverages the power of social media to hold leaders and companies accountable for climate change.”
“Its principal purpose is to contribute to a reduced climate impact and an ecologically sustainable environment.”
They have published a manifesto here.
The organization and its lead, Anette Nordvall, assume for their work fundamentally unsustainable birth inequity and child welfare standards, and consistently publish and platform information that omits the full impacts of children entering the world on the climate and related crises. This benefits their children at deadly cost to others, and replicates the fundamental cause of the crises by being nonconstitutive.
The entity is literally using wealth made at deadly cost to the values they claim to be protecting to drown out the voices of the most vulnerable. They do not prioritize zeroing out the harm we are causing, using freedom as the base metric, nor do they admit there are climate reparations liens on the wealth they are using based on that standard.
Key Idea
To “constitute” in the context of governance means to be obligated. Our societal obligation to children offers an opportunity to build a just society from the ground up, focusing on infants and animals instead of serving those in power. Achieving this requires acknowledging the specific harm caused and shifting resources to empower would-be mothers. This ensures no child is born into circumstances that deny them measurable self-determination. This requires reprioritizing wealth to incentivize and entitle would-be mothers so that no child born beneath a measurable threshold of self-determination.
Urge Anette Nordvall and others in leadership to admit this fact: Our collective failure to require measurable fair starts in life for all children has done more harm to our missions than we have done good. Then urge her and others in leadership to both publicly back and fund this preemptive, specific and universal standard for change and legitimacy.
Backing policy reforms that ensure extreme wealth is reallocated – as the first and overriding human right or grundnorm – so all children get a fair start in life, both ecologically and socially, via parenting delay, readiness, and equity reparations / family planning incentives measured inverse to privilege and positionality.
You can also contact the Swedish greenwashing oversight agency here.
There is now an action before the United Nations that redefines what it means to constitute a just nation where subjects are empowered enough in the creation of actual relations, through birth, development and emancipation, to move from being treated as subjects to being included as constituents, and obligated to follow laws only because they have the measurable capacity to control the legal system. The action seeks to escalate climate and other reparations – specifically designed as family planning entitlements – by trillions of dollars, through the concept of equity fraud, in order to save millions of lives. Many are using illegal tactics to block the high valuation.
These reforms could save millions of lives by addressing the root causes of inequality, but powerful interests are working to block these efforts. Without action, wealthy interests will continue to fund programs that appear helpful on the surface but ultimately deepen inequality by prioritizing their own children’s success at the expense of others. By adopting universal equity standards, we can ensure that no child is left behind, and that future generations inherit a world built on fairness and opportunity.
Fact: The climate and related crises we face today were largely driven by the absence of any child equity and empowerment standards in near-universal reproductive rights regimes dating back to 1948.
Wealthy nations and families have exploited these systems to concentrate power and wealth, often at the expense of Black families and marginalized communities. They promote superficial solutions—such as charity or public programs—that distract from the deeper issues of systemic inequality. This approach benefits their children while leaving countless children of color in poverty and vulnerable to climate and social crises.
The wealthy families and governments driving these regimes were avoiding measurable democratic equity, and what it does to the process of entitling wealth, as the overriding value behind political legitimacy. They were evading its ability to override existing entitlements. But by avoiding equity, they seeded racist inequity, unsustainable growth that would trigger the climate crisis, and the development of fundamentally illegitimate political systems that never measurably empowered their subjects enough to gain representative capacity and authority. This created a fake, top-down version of social justice based on hollow legal institutions and laws that never derived from any legitimating authority, but rather hid the actual creation of power relations in birth, development, and emancipation.
It allowed wealthy white families to amass wealth, at illegal and deadly cost to generations of black families. There were two standards for justice: The real – measured at a zero baseline using concrete markers for assessing self versus other determination, and the decoy – which centered on an illusion of bodily autonomy, one conflated with the capacity to harm others. If after 1948 national legitimacy and authority were contingent on inverting the flow of authority from government to the governed, this move represents the height of colonization because it assumed claims to authority wealth that should instead have gone through a process of familial legitimation.
Wealthy families in those nations most responsible for the climate crisis are now funding a fantasy world to evade the liability they and their children carry from inequitable growth. They use decoy versions of public interest work – by organizations, academics, media, etc. – the impacts of which are being exponentially undone, each day, by family policies that enrich mostly white families at deadly cost to countless children of color. This involves literally using wealth made at cost to their stated missions to drown out the voices of the vulnerable, who could actually accomplish the mission through more fundamental reforms.
There is no legitimacy authority or entitlements without the measurable political equity, or entitling children enough so they offset each other’s influence relative to a neutral position – testable through things like the feasibility of a constitutional convention. Instead, the model urged by these families assured zero functional protections for infants and animals, and used a sleight of hand that conceived of freedom in terms of an arbitrary form of autonomy from the state, rather than as political equity to choose who has influence over you, ecologically and socially. How did we assure justice without improving the conditions in which children are born and develop, given the intergenerational justice requirements of minimum thresholds for all children? How did we become free without honoring the rights of others, especially the future majority?
These families and their concentrations of wealth and power have not created value. Instead they first used poor family planning to create their own audiences and artificial demand by ensuring dismal standards for child development and education, violating children’s rights and treating people as economic inputs rather than citizens while benefiting from the appearance of inclusive and functional democracies where the average vote was actually being diluted to uselessness. This cannibalized freedom, taking from us what we are owed in democracy and trying to sell it back in commerce. The difference between self-determination relative to zero baseline markers, and exploitation, is what they owe in reparations.
Activists now with the Fair Start Movement, in prior employment, had to omit facts that would have shown public interest information and interventions being vastly undone by growth and inequity. This was a charade of environmental sustainability and social justice that is still today being vastly undone every day as children enter the world without the resources they need. These families routinely funded decoy nonprofits that silo social justice into various downstream issues in order to hide upstream entitlement and reparations fraud, using a false premise to benefit from a system that undoes the good they seem to do. This does more to benefit the rich, white children of the funders backing their programs, and at deadly cost to countless children of color, than it does to accomplish the missions.
As foundational to that, Fair Start is urging states attorneys generals and agencies like, Finansinspektionen (FI) is the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, to track the multifaceted impacts of infants entering the world on their capacity for self-determination – the highest standard for climate damage evaluation and the only standard for national legitimacy, using the eight concrete metrics now being urged as a zero-baseline form of harm-assessment and standardization at the United Nations. This work goes beyond targeting greenwashing towards finding the concealment of liability for the death of millions in the escalating climate crisis. Every entity in the United States should be forced to comply with civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in hiring, housing, education, etc.
But not extending protections to infants who would suffer the consequences of historic injustice was a horrific mistake, one that we can fix with universally preemptive standards for fair starts in life. Antiracism requires removing a system of birth entitlements where children of color get a tenth or less of the wealth as white kids, are largely excluded from the political system, and bear the deadly cost of an ecocide they did not create.